About us

The EASCG is a joint coordination and advisory group established to coordinate the ATM-related standardisation activities, essentially stemming from the European ATM Master Plan, in support of Single European Sky implementation.

The plenary membership of the EASCG is composed of:

  • European Commission (DG MOVE)
  • EASA
  • SJU

The following organisations are invited to participate as observers of the EASCG:

  • ASD
  • CANSO Europe
  • EDA
  • SESAR Deployment Manager

The Network Manager or other organisations may be invited to participate for relevant items on a case-by-case basis.

Click here to learn more about each of the EASCG member organisations.

Tasks and Deliverables

The EASCG shall:

  • assess the identified standardisation needs of the SESAR programme and other relevant sources to consider their inclusion into the European ATM Standardisation Rolling Development Plan (A-RDP);
  • develop and maintain an overarching A-RDP, primarily comprising the standard development activities of its members;
  • monitor the evolution of the standard development activities planned in the A-RDP;
  • provide a forum to manage specific issues and resolution of conflicts considering all relevant processes, resource availability and other related risks and issues;
  • advise the EC and other organisations on standardisation matters.

 In order to fulfil its tasks, the EASCG will:

  • facilitate the sharing of the various member organisations’ visions to develop a common understanding on standardisation needs to support the coordinated deployment of the SESAR programme; as well as to support the evolution of EU regulations on ATM/ANS operations and airborne and ground equipment;
  • identify and share a common recognition of the fields of competencies of the various contributors in order to avoid the risk of overlapping activities;
  • facilitate the sharing of work among the Standard Developing Organisations (SDO's) thus avoiding the risk of overlapping developments and gaps;
  • establish and maintain a bidirectional information flow between SJU, the SDO's, EASA and all relevant actors, to ensure that changes, delays, and new developments can be taken into account;
  • maintain awareness of the status of upstream rationale and progress associated with identified needs for standardisation activities.

Note: In the context of the EASCG, SDO refers to European organisations that develop and publish ATM-related standards and specifications. This includes at the moment, but not limited to, EUROCAE, EUROCONTROL, ESOs.

The main deliverable of the EASCG will be the European ATM Standardisation Rolling Development Plan (A-RDP) as described above.

The rolling development plan will be progressively updated to reflect the current situation. It will also provide a method for the identification and discussion of overlaps, and as a basis for feedback to contributing organisations, to improve overall coordination of standards developments. The process should also identify the technical input from other sources (such as ICAO GANP and ASBUs) into the standards plan. To learn more about the rolling development plan and to access its latest version, click here.

Interfaces between the EASCG and other organisations

In addition to the above, it is recognised that interfaces at different levels with a number of other organisations may be necessary to obtain relevant information, provide recommendations etc. No formal link should be set up, but rather such communication should be organised by the EASCG Chair/Secretariat.

Although the coherence between the standardisation needs in Europe and internationally is already addressed in the European ATM Master Plan, the EASCG should take into account information regarding progress and issues and raise them to the appropriate bodies for follow up as necessary. An interface with ICAO and RTCA is therefore of high importance, without prejudice to existing European coordination arrangements.

In order to maintain visibility and exchange information on specific standardisation needs of the military stakeholders, applicability of civil standards to military projects, which should be taken into account at a higher level such as in the CP1, EDA is invited to attend the EASCG as observer and will liaise as appropriate with the Defense Standardisation Coordination Group (DSCG).

The EASCG could also support the identification of non-civil aviation specific standards, but no specific interface and task have been identified so far.

The EASCG cannot act as a legal ‘governing’ body or replace the right of initiative or processes of its member organisations. Therefore the EASCG’s guidance shall not be binding on the member organisations or other organisations concerned acting in accordance with their own internal procedures.